
Letter from Mike Schreiner to the people of Guelph


June 5, 2018

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Dear Neighbour;

As you plant your garden this week, go to work and spend time with your family, I know you will be thinking about how you will vote on Thursday. It’s a big decision.

So many people are telling me how frustrated they are with status quo politics, full of negative campaigning where the other parties spend more time tearing each other down than building Ontario up. I share your frustration.

Politics should be about putting people first, ahead of party and ideology.

I hope I’ve earned your respect by keeping our campaign positive and your trust by being honest about what we need to do and how we will pay for it.

If you elect me, I will be Guelph’s champion at Queen’s Park, continuing the work I’ve already started: fighting to protect our water, improve health care, build better transit and help our local businesses thrive.

It would be an honour to be a strong voice for you in the legislature, just as elected Greens across Canada are standing up and speaking out for their communities.

There is something special happening in Guelph. Our community is on the verge of making history.

I will not wake up as Premier on Friday, but we’re writing a different story here. Sending a new party to Queen’s Park signals real change. It tells Ontario and Canada that a new way of doing politics is possible. Guelph can lead that change.

I know you’re disillusioned by politics as usual at Queen’s Park. I will work hard to change that. As your MPP, I promise to work across party lines, represent you first and hold the government to account. I have a proven track record to do this for you.

I truly believe that the only wasted vote is one you don’t believe in.

In Guelph, a Green vote will have the same effect in stopping Doug Ford as an NDP or Liberal vote will. So, you don’t have to vote out of fear. You can be proud of your vote.

I sincerely hope that I’ve earned your trust and your vote on June 7. It would be an honour to serve you.


Mike Schreiner
Leader, Green Party of Ontario and your candidate for Guelph