
Green Party Leader receives endorsement from Toronto Star


May 21, 2018

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TORONTO, ON — The city’s highest circulation newspaper has given its endorsement to Green Party Leader, Mike Schreiner, in his bid to become the first elected Green MPP this election.

“Ours is a party offering honest politics and real change from the status quo. We do not rely on slogans or populism, empty promises or faulty accounting to get votes. We rely on people power and hard work. I’m happy the media is recognizing the real solutions the Green Party is putting forward – on affordable housing, basic income and embracing the 21st century clean economy,” said Mike Schreiner.

Schreiner was the first to be interviewed by the Toronto Star last week in its series of live-streamed editorial board meetings with each of the four major party leaders. The endorsement notes Schreiner’s candour on challenging issues, as well as his depth of policy knowledge in a landscape where it has become all-too-common to dumb down the political discourse.

“It is arguably the Green leader who has been the most forthright leader in the campaign for the June 7 Ontario election,” reads the article. “It would not be an unwelcome development at all if the electors of Guelph were to decide on June 7 to make a little Ontario history,” it concludes.

Read the article here: https://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2018/05/21/guelph-voters-should-consider-making-history-and-sending-the-greens-mike-schreiner-to-queens-park.html