Lake in Ontario

Young Greens
make a difference

Youth are under-represented in today’s political system.

The Young Greens are proactively engaging young people, giving them a voice and supporting youth involvement in every aspect of political life.

Sign an open letter to Doug Ford to fix the housing crisis

What are the
Young Greens about?

The Young Greens of Ontario is the youth wing of the Green Party of Ontario.

The YGO is part of the Party’s commitment to Participatory Democracy, one of the 6 values in the Global Greens Charter. Participatory Democracy is the idea that all are able to directly participate in the decisions that affect our lives.

Specifically, regarding youth, the Global Greens Charter calls for:

“strong support for giving young people a voice through educating, encouraging and assisting youth involvement in every aspect of political life including their participation in all decision-making bodies.”

Global Greens Charter

Follow the YGO on Social Media

Young Greens of Ontario
Bike path in Toronto

Contribute to progressive, member-driven policy. Engage young people in your community.

If you are under 30, you can join the Green Party of Ontario for free!

Meet the Young Greens Representatives

Jaycob Jacques
Youth Representative
Sophia Andrew-Joiner
Youth Representative

The Provincial Executive (PE) is the highest governing body in the Party, and the job of the Young Green Reps is to advocate for youth on all governance decisions the Provincial Executive makes. These decisions include filling committees, approving budgets, making strategic decisions, and much more.

These representatives are also responsible for organizing the Young Greens, including helping campus clubs, posting on social media, and running initiatives to mobilize youth.

Those 2 positions are currently held by Sophia Andrew-Joiner and Jaycob Jacques, but this could be you! If you’re interested in becoming a Young Green Representative, PE elections are happening soon.

Young Greens Campus Clubs

Campus clubs operate at post-secondary institutions and are a great way for Green Party supporters to stay engaged with the Party while away at school.

Campus clubs are active in their communities promoting the Party and its values and are also a great way for supporters to make connections and socialize.