Ontario Greens: Our plan for fairness
Ontario Greens will fight for fairness so you can live in a province that has a future you can believe in, with a government that puts you first. You deserve a chance. We can create a better Ontario together. But it means getting to work, today. And that’s what we’re committed to do.
Towards a fairer Ontario
We can build a fairer Ontario, people first: where you can find an affordable place to call home; where you can get the care you and your loved ones need – at all stages of life; where we protect the people and places we love from the impacts of the climate emergency; where there is hope and excitement for the future for you, your kids, or your grandkids. We know it can be done, but it’s going to take all of us working together to make it happen. So let’s get to work.
Explore Our Plan
Housing NOW
Housing affordability is the greatest challenge facing the province. It’s time for this to change, we will build 2 million homes in diverse, thriving neighbourhoods means building a range of different types of homes so people at all stages of life have options for where to live. As well as end the Land Transfer Tax for first-time home buyers to make it more affordable for people to purchase their first home.
Building better communities
We will create the kinds of neighbourhoods that you’ll want to rent or buy in, raise a family in, start a small business in, or grow old in. Creating diverse, thriving neighbourhoods means building a range of different types of homes so people from all stages of life have options for where to live.
Our plan for workers and economic fairness
People in Ontario are working harder than ever before, but it’s never been harder to get ahead. The richest need to pay their fair share. We want to cut taxes for low and middle income earners under $65,000 and households making under $100,000, saving up to $1700 per year. Plus Introduce strict anti-gouging and collusion laws to stop grocery corporations from gouging people on their grocery bills.
Protecting people and places
The climate crisis is worsening and it is impacting everyday life more and more. By putting people before big oil & gas profits, we can help you save money by saving energy. We want to Provide a free heat pump for households with incomes under $100,000 and zero interest loans for households over $100,000. Remove HST on heat pumps, heat pump hot water heating, solar panels, EV chargers and energy retrofits and more.
Strengthening Ontario’s economy
At a time when we are under threat from a trade war with the USA, strengthening our economy and ensuring we are more self-sufficient as a province has never been more important. We can create and protect jobs in the fast growing green economy and agriculture sector, grow our own food, and make Ontario’s economy the envy of the world. We want to Develop a “Buy Ontario” strategy and implement public procurement rules that support Ontario businesses and farmers. As well as immediately move to aggressively diversify our trade partners
Tackling the mental health and addictions crisis
Mental health care should not be a luxury that’s reserved for those that can afford it. It should be accessible and affordable to everyone. When it comes to addictions, this government’s negligent approach has had tragic consequences. In 2023, an average of seven Ontarians per day died from opioid-related causes, an increase of 292% over the past 10 years. OHIP should cover mental health and addiction care for all.
With the lowest healthcare funding per capita of any province in Canada, Ontarians deserve better. We will recruit 3,500 more doctors in Ontario through more medical school positions and more residency opportunities for international medical graduates so that every person has a primary care provider within 3-4 years.
Caring for Seniors
In the next few years, one in five people in this country will be over the age of sixty-five. We have a plan to improve care in long term care and ensure that our elders are not treated as just another revenue stream by private investors. We will build 48,000 non profit long-term care spaces by 2029 to meet growing demand and phase out for profit care.
Caring for kids and students
The number one way to invest in our children’s future is by funding schools, teachers and education workers. Doug Ford has cut education funding by a staggering $3.1 billion since 2018 – that’s $1,500 per student. Adjusted for inflation, it’s the lowest per pupil funding in over 10 years. We need to immediately increase per-student funding by $1,500 to make up for the $3.1 billion in cuts by the Ford government since 2018
Our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation with Indigenous communities
Ontario Greens commit to doing the hard work to decolonize the systems that enable this inequality. First and foremost, all decisions need to recognize Indigenous communities’ right to self-determination. We will work in partnership with Indigenous communities in a way that recognizes and respects their way of life, including establishing Indigenous-led co-governance and stewardship models for decisions that impact Indigenous lands.
A more equitable Ontario
To build a fairer Ontario we need to be intentional about building a more equitable Ontario that leaves no one behind. Racialized communities, women, 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals, and people with disabilities face disproportionately more barriers in accessing health care, housing, economic opportunities, and within the justice system. We plan to focus on improved quality of life for people living with a disability by doubling Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates. Fight for gender equality by expanding access to sexual health and reproductive care to improve women’s health and much more.
A People-first Democracy
Across the world, democracy is under threat. Even here in Ontario there are concerning trends towards a government that puts big money before people. We want to reduce donation limits for municipal elections and provincial political parties, candidates, and constituency associations to $1000 per year per person. Plus require a five year cooling off period before MPPs and government advisors can register as lobbyists.
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Our work is funded by grassroots supporters like you.
With your help, we can build an Ontario where we tackle housing affordability, act on climate and improve our health. Every little bit helps.