
Building a more caring Ontario

Ontario Green's Mental Health Plan

Mental Health Is Health

Decades of neglect from successive governments has led to long wait times and inadequate funding and support. Mental health touches all of our lives and proper care should be available for everyone.

Ontario Greens have a plan to make mental health care more Affordable, Accessible and Comprehensive, so that anyone in this province can get the care that they need.

Add your name today to support mental health care for all

Everyone needs and deserves a mental health care system that is affordable, accessible, comprehensive, and easy to navigate. That is what our plan delivers. Help us make this a reality.

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Grandfather and his two grand children smiling.


Not being able to afford mental health care should never be the reason why someone doesn’t get the help they need.

Snapshot: More Affordable Care:

  • Expand access to mental health and addiction care under OHIP
  • Expand mental health care options for people on the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
  • Increasing mental health spending from 7% to 10% of our provincial health budget


Accessing mental health care should be free of stigma and available to all - especially during the times it’s needed most.

Snapshot: More Accessible Care:

  • Implementing a comprehensive wait time reduction strategy
  • Investing in youth mental health care hubs & services
  • Supporting Indigenous-led health care clinics & improving supports in other languages
Mother and her baby.
Attending therapy session


True comprehensive mental health care starts with prevention and continues for as long as it’s needed.

Snapshot: More Comprehensive Care:

  • Complex care: Defining province-wide standards of care for people with complex needs
  • Prevention: Invest in programs to improve wellness, ease stress, and reduce negative mental health outcomes
  • Addictions: build 60,000 supportive housing spaces with wrap-around services and dedicate 10% of the units to people with complex care needs

Let’s Make Mental Health Care Available for All

Mental Health looks different for everyone, which is why Ontario Greens have a plan to meet the challenge of providing accessible, and culturally appropriate health care to all Ontarians. Where mental health care is destigmatized, meets people where they live, starts with a focus on prevention, and expands support for addictions and community services.

Ten priorities to improve mental health care in Ontario:

  1. Expand access to mental health and addiction care under OHIP.
  2. Increase mental health and addiction spending to 10% of our health budget.
  3. Develop a 3 digit dedicated crisis response line and health-focused crisis response teams to respond to mental health and substance related calls.
  4. Reduce waitlists to 30 days or less for children's mental health services.
  5. Support Indigenous-led clinics and healing programs for mental health.
  6. Create a dedicated Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions.
  7. Decriminalize drug use, expand safe consumption sites, and shift funding from the justice system to healthcare.
  8. Build 60,000 permanent supportive housing spaces with wrap-around mental health and other supports.
  9. Enhance mental well-being with connected communities and expanded access to nature trails, parks and protected greenspace.
  10. Invest in more Youth Wellness Hubs and community centres that offer access to local mental health services, spaces for social interaction, and supports for families.


Crisis at a glance

months wait time for youth mental health
increase in referrals to McMaster’s Eating Disorders Program
children & youth on waitlists for mental health care
increase in number of youth seeking help with depression, suicide and self-harm has risen by 25 per cent
surveyed families say their mental health has been worse since the first lockdown
surveyed say difficult to get help