
Building Livable & Affordable          Communities

Everyone deserves to find quality, affordable housing in the communities they want to live in.

The Green Party of Ontario's Housing Strategy

In Ontario it is increasingly difficult for many people to find affordable housing options. This needs to change.

We have an ambitious, practical roadmap to building livable and affordable communities where everyone has a great place to live.

Our plan is based on three pillars: Connected. Affordable. Sustainable.

Greens understand that all Ontarians deserve to live in communities that are vibrant, accessible, caring and fair.

Happy Family With Child's Drawing - GPO Housing Strategy
Housing Strategy GPO - Stock Image- Grandparents with Child

Support building Livable & Affordable communities

More and more people are finding it hard to find a home they can afford in Ontario. Greens have a plan to build affordable communities where everyone can live, work and play without harming the environment.

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Housing Strategy GPO - Hands Holding Paper House
Happy Family At Park - GPO Housing Strategy
Family Bicycling - GPO Housing Strategy Graphic

Connected: Communities to live, work & play

Greens believe in creating vibrant neighbourhoods where we can live, work and play.

It's time to stop spending hundreds of hours commuting.

Let's build 15 minute neighbourhoods:

  • Where it’s easy to connect with friends and family.
  • Where we can get to the places we need to go without long commutes. 
  • Or in other words, a great place to live. 
Family In House - GPO Housing Strategy Graphic

Affordable: Homes that people can afford

In Ontario right now, housing costs are rising faster than incomes.

Everyone has a right to safe and affordable housing.

Our plan calls for:

  • Building 100,000 new affordable units. 
  • Support for renters and pathways to home ownership. 
  • And reducing speculation to put homes for people first.
Row of Houses With Trees - GPO Housing Strategy Graphic

Sustainable: Housing That Works for People & Planet

In Ontario, buildings produce 24 percent of our climate pollution.

We can do better.

$5 billion over 10 years for a Green building program: 

  • create hundreds of thousands of Ontario jobs, 
  • save energy and money,
  • and address the climate crisis by reducing emissions.

Greens Have A Plan

There’s no doubt about it. Neighbourhoods should be designed with people in mind.

Greens have a plan for people-centred neighborhoods that put health and well-being at the forefront. We want to build vibrant green neighbourhoods that are affordable, safe and secure while also protecting the places we love.

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Senior Couple With Piggy Bank - GPO Housing Strategy

Let's Build Livable and Affordable Communities

The world Greens want is one where everyone has a place to call home. Where the colour of your skin, or your age, or the fact that you have a physical disability doesn’t prevent you from finding a safe and affordable place to live.

A world where our communities are climate-friendly and where everyone has more time to spend with family and friends, instead of being stuck in long commutes.

Greens have 9 strategies to help build that world.

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9 Strategies to address Ontario’s housing crisis

Build inclusive neighborhoods where we live, work and play

Everyone deserves an affordable place to call home that’s close to family, friends and work. With equitable access to parks, services, and vibrant local businesses. 

Build and maintain an affordable housing supply

Across Ontario, it’s a real challenge to find a liveable, affordable place to live. That’s why we need to immediately build more affordable housing supply, including rental units. We also need to protect the supply that we have and ensure tenants are not unfairly evicted.

End chronic homelessness

Addressing chronic and temporary homelessness requires a Housing First approach. This starts with addressing housing needs before connecting people to the other supports they need, including mental and physical healthcare, education, and employment services.

Provide stability and security for renters

Existing rules don’t adequately protect tenants and landlords. We also need to strengthen rental regulations to protect renters from rent hikes, and building maintenance. Everyone deserves a safe place to live. 

Launch a transformational Green Building Program

Decisions we make today about how we build places to live and work will have lasting impacts on our economy, prosperity, health and environment for generations. With our Green Building program, we can create hundreds of thousands of jobs, help businesses and families save money by saving energy, and help fight the climate crisis. 

Protect the places we love

In the world we want, farms, wetlands and forests are protected. Increasing housing supply in Ontario does not require super-sized sprawl that paves over more farmland or wetlands. 

Fund an Urban and Rural Indigenous housing strategy

Build 22,000 Indigenous-owned and operated permanent homes under an Urban and Rural Indigenous Housing Strategy led by Indigenous communities.

Address speculation to put homes for people first

The province must improve regulations to reduce predatory practices, protect our existing affordable rental stock, prioritize home sales directly to the end-user, and raise revenue by taxing both domestic and foreign speculation. 

Create more pathways to home ownership

Expanding pathways to homeownership is an important part of reducing inequality in the province and ensuring that people can live in the places that best suit their families. 

Three Friends With Houses Illustration - Housing Strategy

The housing crisis at a glance

of full-time work for average Ontarian to save for a downpayment on a house
people in Ontario do not have a permanent home.
houses sitting vacant in Toronto
of minimum wage work per week needed to afford a one bedroom apartment in Barrie.
Of low-income families live in homes they cannot afford in Peel Region.
of farmland lost every day in Ontario.
Of our wetlands already gone in Southwestern Ontario.