Doug Ford is in the pocket of oil and gas giants.
Record-breaking wildfires. Flooded highways and washed out rural roads. Fossil fuel revenues surpassing $188 billion this year alone.
What do all of these things have in common?
They’re all fueled by oil and gas greed – and the Ford government is stoking the flames.
Here’s an example. Normally, companies that provide utilities to homes and businesses pay municipalities a fee to use their land for infrastructure. In most other provinces, that includes oil and gas providers. But in Ontario, fossil gas providers like Enbridge get to run their infrastructure through municipal land for free – and we’re the ones paying for it.
That’s because Doug Ford is in the pocket of fossil fuel giants. He has repeatedly put corporations like Enbridge before the people of this province. The result? Climate chaos. It’s hurting our communities, impacting our health and driving up the cost of living.
Greens believe in putting people before profits. We’re fighting to get oil and gas out of government pockets and invest in cleaner, cheaper alternatives that make our communities fairer, safer and stronger.
It’s time to send a message to Doug Ford: stop fuelling climate chaos
How we’ll get there
Green MPPs Aislinn Clancy and Mike Schreiner have tabled a bill calling on the Ford government to stop fuelling oil and gas greed.
The No Free Ride for Fossil Fuels Act would, if passed, give Ontario municipalities the power to charge Enbridge and other gas providers for use of municipal land. It would even the playing field and ensure that taxpayers are no longer subsidizing Enbridge’s free ride. It would get oil and gas greed out of government pockets. And it would create revenue for our communities that could be spent on housing, schools and other things we really need.
If you support our vision for a province that puts green over greed, write to Doug Ford and Energy Minister Stephen Lecce and tell them to support the No Free Ride for Fossil Fuels Act.
Join the conversation
Sign the petition calling on the government to stop fuelling climate chaos.
Once you (and all your friends and family) have signed, send the petition back to us at:
Green Party of Ontario
PO Box 1132, Station F
Toronto ON M4Y 2T8
Write to the Premier and the Minister of Energy and tell them it’s time to put people before profits by passing the No Free Ride for Fossil Fuels Act.
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