Roadmap to Net-Zero
The Ontario Greens Climate Plan to reach net-zero by 2045.
A real plan for real action
Climate change is a global crisis that is far-reaching and impacts every aspect of our lives in Ontario, from increasing floods, to severe storms, or record heat waves.
Our climate plan provides an honest and practical roadmap to achieving net-zero. It’s a guide to an Ontario with clean energy, comfortable places to live, ways to get around, new businesses, careers and better jobs.
We’ll do this with 3 main priorities:
- Crush Climate Pollution
- Restore Water and Nature
- Succeed Together
Our collective future relies on stopping the climate crisis as quickly as possible. Let's work together to make that happen.
Take the Pledge for Climate Action
It's time to show our leaders that we want stronger climate action right now.
By taking this pledge, you're joining a local climate movement to call on our premier to:
- Stop investing in fossil fuel projects
- Phase out gas plants
- Stamp out sprawl
The Priorities
CrushClimate Pollution
We know that climate change is driven by the output of greenhouse gases. We need to crush climate pollution in its tracks.
We can reduce our emissions by:
- Adopting a net zero 2045 strategy.
- Investing in public transportation and electric mobility.
- Retrofitting homes, reducing sprawl and smarter developments.
- Generating electricity from clean, renewable sources.
RestoreWater & Nature
Ontario’s wetlands, forests and watersheds are some of our best natural solutions to address the climate crisis.
Our plan to restore nature include:
- Permanently protecting wetlands, forests and prime farmland.
- Working with Indigenous communities to conserve land and water.
- Cleaning up air and water in the worst polluted areas.
- Bringing back nature in cities, like green roofs and school yards.
Transitioning to a healthy, affordable, and resilient economy is possible. And our plan ensures that no one gets left behind.
We can do this by:
- Helping the most vulnerable with the cost of energy and water.
- Use a $2 billion per-year Climate Adaptation Fund to help municipalities with retrofitting costs.
- Investing in and training a strong green workforce.
- Supporting emerging low carbon industries and current industries to help them transition.
The Framework
Roadmap to Net Zero 2045
Climate change impacts all areas of our lives. Here are the details of our climate plan, through the lens of ten key areas:
Ontarians would be much healthier living in communities that are free from climate disasters, have clean air to breathe, access to local food, lots of greenspace to exercise.
Learn MoreSustainable Water
Water is a precious resource to humans, nature and wildlife. We need to protect our lakes, rivers and fish, and ensure that Indigenous communities and everyone in Ontario has access to clean drinking water now and in the future.
Learn MoreFair, Clean Economy
Climate chaos increases inequality, and people in vulnerable situations suffer the most. Ontario must improve financial support to those who need it most and help local businesses transition to a green economy to improve equity across the province.
Learn MoreTravel and Transport
Transportation is one of Ontario’s highest polluting sectors which is made worse by reckless urban sprawl. Ontario must create clean, connected, compact communities so residents can get around easier by walking, biking, or taking clean transit.
Learn MoreEnergy
If the goal is to achieve net-zero by 2045, we must decrease our reliance on fossil fuels to generate electricity in Ontario. This includes doubling Ontario’s energy supply with renewables, retrofitting buildings, and phasing out fossil fuels at every turn.
Learn MoreCulture and Community
To protect the culture and community of Ontarians, Ontario must coordinate with municipal leaders and ensure our communities are well connected, affordable and sustainable, without the need for more destructive sprawl.
Learn MoreLocal and Sustainable Food
Protecting local and sustainable food is a critical part of a green economy. We need to protect Ontario’s farmland and tackle Ontario’s growing food waste crisis to ensure that everyone can afford to put food on the table.
Learn MoreMaterials and Products
In Ontario, we must shift our focus to using only what we need, making things last, and supporting low-impact producers of low-carbon products. This will lead to less material waste, cleaner industries, and protect nature and our finite resources.
Learn MoreZero Waste
To achieve zero waste, Ontario must move towards a circular economy so we can keep landfills clear of organic waste, and single-use products and packaging. We need to focus on producing products that last and hold industries accountable.
Learn MoreLand and Nature
Ontario’s land and nature is our best natural defence against climate change. In order to protect it, we must enforce boundaries to stop reckless sprawl, restore environmental assessments, protect and expand the Greenbelt, and listen to Indigenous teachings.
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