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Doug Ford putting Ontario up for sale

October 3, 2024

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the release of the Ford government’s 95-year lease with Therme Canada.

“Missing from today’s announcement was any information about how much taxpayer money Doug Ford is spending to build 2,500 new parking spots for his Ontario Place megaspa.

Once again, the government is hiding key facts from Ontarians, and we have questions.

Why 2,500 spots when the lease only requires 1,800? How many hundreds of millions of dollars are going to this parking garage instead of to housing or hospitals? Why are our taxpayer dollars footing the bill for yet another of the Premier’s multi-million-dollar giveaways?

If we want Ontario Place to remain an affordable place for all, we need to lead with public land in public hands.

Doug Ford is putting Ontario up for sale. It’s the worst deal ever.

Ontarians are going to keep fighting tooth and nail to stop the megaspa and keep Ontario Place public for many generations to come, and Greens will be right there with them.”
