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About Mike

Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario and MPP for Guelph, is the first Green MPP elected to the Ontario Legislature in 2018.

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Ford government undermining LCBO strike

July 10, 2024

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy’s comment that a prolonged strike “could be hurtful to the long-term viability of the LCBO.”

“This government needs to stop sowing division and start acting like a partner to LCBO workers who are fighting to secure a fair deal.

The Premier’s rush to get beer into corner stores is the reason workers are on strike. His hastiness has upended the entire industry and stoked fear about job security in a rapidly changing industry.

Now that a strike is underway, his government is rolling out alternative retailer maps and casting doubt on the future of the LCBO instead of focusing on getting everyone back to the bargaining table.

LCBO workers are fighting for better jobs, fairer wages and security for the future. Greens urge the Ford government to get serious about negotiating a fair deal.”
