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Ford government out of excuses for OSC closure

June 27, 2024

TORONTO — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to continued advocacy to reopen the Ontario Science Centre.

“The Premier is out of excuses for his sudden Science Centre closure, and he knows it.

Irreparable structural damage? The report that his own government commissioned shows that only a small portion of the OSC’s total roofs are critically damaged and recommends a staged remediation strategy.

Too expensive? Ontarians are pledging to donate millions of dollars in order to keep the building open. Architects are offering to take the project on for free.

Ontarians aren’t stupid. We can all see that this is just an attempt to justify this government’s Ontario Place takeover, and we are all outraged.

If the Premier was truly for the people, he would commit to reopening, repairing and restoring the Science Centre so it can continue to inspire young minds for years to come.

His government already has dozens of backtracks under its belt – why not one more?”
