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Ford government concealing extent of healthcare crisis

April 25, 2024

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that the Ford government has won an FOI battle to keep the extent of its nursing, personal support worker and physician shortage secret.

“The government’s desperation to hide the extent of its healthcare staffing shortages just goes to show how bad the crisis has become.

For years, the Conservatives have starved our healthcare system to the point of collapse. Now, instead of trying to repair that damage and improve healthcare outcomes across the province, they’re more preoccupied with covering their tracks.

It’s time for the government to clean up its mess and repair the damage it has caused – starting by:

  • Immediately halting the privatization of our public healthcare system;
  • Implementing a worker retention strategy that includes permanent raises and better benefits and working conditions for all healthcare workers; and
  • Properly funding all healthcare sectors – primary care, long-term care, home and community care, mental healthcare and hospital care – to bring our per-capita healthcare funding up to national standards.”
