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Aislinn Clancy tables motion to use government land for affordable housing

April 25, 2024

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader Aislinn Clancy has tabled a motion calling on the Ford government to utilize all unused or underused provincial and municipal land to build at least 250,000 affordable non-profit and co-op homes.

”It’s long past time for the government to get back in the business of building affordable and deeply affordable housing so that everyone has a safe and affordable place to call home,” said Clancy.

“This province owns a lot of land. Some of it is currently sitting vacant or underused, and some of it is perfectly situated near growing communities and existing transit stations. Making better use of this land to build affordable homes will go a long way in helping us meet the goal of 250,000 affordable homes that housing advocates have called for.

“Ontario desperately needs an all-hands-on-deck plan to get back to building homes for people and the public good, and Greens will continue putting forward bold solutions to make this vision a reality.”
