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Clancy: Conservatives misleading Ontarians on rising gas prices

April 22, 2024

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that GTA gas prices rose by 14 cents overnight.

“The Ford government has spent months deliberately misleading Ontarians about the real reason for rising gas prices, which jumped by 14 cents at many stations across the GTA last night.

Let’s be crystal clear – the increase in gas prices is a result of oil and gas giants’ greed.

In 2022, when the federal price on carbon increased gas prices by 2 cents per litre, fossil fuel giants raised their prices by 18 cents per litre.

While ordinary Ontarians are struggling to get by, these corporations are cashing in – in 2022, Canada’s five biggest fossil fuel giants made over $38 billion in profit.

If the Ford government wanted to help Ontarians save money on energy, it could do so today by putting forward a climate affordability plan that slashes emissions while putting money back in people’s pockets through savings on household energy, transportation and transit.

But instead of taking action, the government continues to play petty politics and mislead the public so their billionaire buddies can rake in record profits.”
