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Overuse of AGIs is costing Ontarians their homes

April 17, 2024

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that just 20 corporate landlords filed over half of the applications for above-guideline rent increases (AGIs) in the first eight months of 2022.

“The overuse of AGIs in Ontario is costing people their homes.

With increasing frequency, renters are being displaced from their affordably priced rentals by bad-acting landlords in pursuit of higher profits.

Many of these renters are seniors on fixed incomes, young people starting out, single parents, folks on ODSP – people who can’t afford to just pick up and move.

This is exactly why I put forward legislation asking the Ford government to investigate the growing overuse of AGIs in Ontario.

Greens will keep fighting to strengthen protections for renters and say yes to keeping people housed.”
