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Greens support school boards standing up for student wellbeing

April 2, 2024

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens deputy leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy made the following statement in response to news that four Ontario school boards have launched lawsuits against social media giants Snapchat, TikTok and Meta alleging that their platforms interfere with students’ learning and mental health.

“As a former school social worker, I’m well-acquainted with the harmful impacts of social media use on students’ learning, socialization and mental wellbeing.

Greens support the efforts of Ontario’s teachers, schools and school boards to limit these harmful impacts so our kids can focus on being kids.

The Ford government should be supporting our educators in their attempts to protect students and foster a healthier learning environment.

Part of that includes holding social media giants accountable for intentionally developing addiction-causing technologies.”
