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Ford government won’t give honest answers about future of Ontario Place

March 20, 2024

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to new documents suggesting that the Ford government considered a “phase two” in the Ontario Place redevelopment.

“At every opportunity, this government has failed to be honest with Ontarians about their scheme to tear up Ontario Place.

As if the luxury mega-spa wasn’t bad enough, now we’re learning of yet another secret plan to pave over ever more of Lake Ontario to free up 25 acres of ‘future development opportunities.’

If the government paves over Brigantine Cove, what’s next? A casino? A megamall?

Ontarians deserve a clear answer from this government – is additional lakefill part of their Ontario place ploy?

Ontario Greens will continue to fight against Ford’s agenda to sell off public assets to a handful of well-connected insiders, and leave the people of Ontario to pay the price.”
