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Aislinn Clancy to table Keeping People Housed Act

March 6, 2024

QUEEN'S PARK — Today, Ontario Greens Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy will table the Keeping People Housed Act, which would, if passed, deliver real relief for Ontario’s renters.

“Ontario’s renters deserve security and support – but instead they’re getting gouged,” said Clancy.

“With increasing frequency, folks are being displaced from their homes en masse by bad-acting landlords who renovict their tenants in order to raise rents. Meanwhile, rents keep rising and our affordable rental stock keeps shrinking.

“It’s time to put an end to this troubling pattern. No one in Ontario should be left without a safe and affordable place to call home.”

Key measures included in the Keeping People Housed Act include:

  • Expansion of rent control on all buildings, including those built after 2018;
  • Reinstatement of vacancy control to limit rent increases between tenancies;
  • Increased requirements for landlords to ensure that vacancy is required for renovations before filing an application for an N13;
  • Measures to ensure that any buildings with six or more units with below mid-range rents, if demolished, are replaced with at least the same number, size and type of units with rent similar to those that were demolished; and
  • The creation of a Rental Task Force to prepare a report on issues related to above-guideline rent increases.

“The Keeping People Housed Act, if passed, would make life easier and more affordable for tenants from all walks of life,” said Ontario Greens leader Mike Schreiner. “If the Ford government truly cares about saving Ontarians money, it will support this common-sense solution to protect renters and bring much-needed relief to the housing crisis.”
