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Bill 124 ruling a win for Ontario workers

February 12, 2024

KITCHENER — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that the court of appeal has ruled Bill 124 unconstitutional.

“This ruling is a huge victory for Ontario’s workers, and for the labour movement as a whole.

Since Bill 124 was introduced, Ontario’s public sector workers have faced wage caps and limits on their right to fair bargaining.

Meanwhile, the cost of living has continued to skyrocket and the Ford government has starved our healthcare and education systems to the point of collapse.

It’s time to say goodbye to this disastrous bill, which has damaged healthcare, education and other public services and led to costly labour shortages that we’re still recovering from.

This is an important win, and I want to congratulate the tens of thousands of workers who fought so hard for it.

I now call on the Ford government to leave this sorry episode to the dustbin of history – repeal bill 124 and commit to a future of fair bargaining with public sector workers.

This government has much more work ahead of it if it truly wants to make amends with public sector workers and build back better in the public systems we all rely on daily.”
