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Halton Hills joins list of communities saying no to new gas plants

December 13, 2023

GUELPH — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news that the municipality of Halton Hills has voted against a new gas plant.

“I’m encouraged that Halton Hills has added its voice to the growing chorus of communities saying no to expensive new gas plants and yes to climate action.

It’s long past time for the Ford government to stop funnelling public dollars into dirty fossil gas plants that put our economic and environmental future in jeopardy.

Low-cost renewables are the cleanest, cheapest source of energy available. If we want Ontario to be competitive in the trillion-dollar clean energy economy, it’s critical that we take every opportunity to move away from fossil fuels and capitalize on the wealth of renewable energy sources already at our fingertips.

It’s time for this government to wake up and get serious about our clean energy future – starting by ending their outdated offshore wind ban and rapidly investing in the renewable energy sources that deliver more power for less money.

Ontario Greens will continue to stand alongside the many communities demanding a clean energy commitment from this government.”
