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AG report lays bare Ford’s lack of care for everyday Ontarians

December 6, 2023

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement in response to the tabling of the Auditor General’s annual report.

This is a government that doesn’t care about everyday Ontarians.

They don’t care what Ontarians think, what they have to say, or the way they want this province to be run.

Over and over, Ford has chosen to line the pockets of wealthy, Ford-connected insiders over helping the people of this province – and the proof is all around us.

It’s evident in our crumbling healthcare and long-term care systems, which are funnelling millions into private staffing agencies while failing to deliver on basic standards of care.

It’s evident in this government’s half-baked ploy to relocate the Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place to prop up their luxury mega spa – despite clear opposition from teachers, community members and staff who use the current Science Centre every day.

It’s evident in the bad deal with Therme to spend $400 million on a parking lot for that luxury mega-spa.

And it’s evident in the utter failure to give Ontarians a voice in the government’s ongoing destruction of the people and places we love. Over and over, they’ve failed to consult community members on environmental concerns like the $8.3 billion Greenbelt scandal, changes to clean energy, or their don’t-ask-don’t-tell approach to aggregate mining violations that gives extractors a free ride to do whatever they want without fear of inspection or penalty.

The Premier is treating our province like the Wild West – letting deep-pocketed insiders run the show while everyday Ontarians struggle just to get from one day to the next.

Ontarians have had enough of broken promises and empty apologies. They’re ready for a government that listens and cares – one that puts people before party or insiders.

Ontario Greens will keep working tirelessly to bring home better, standing up for bold solutions rooted in our commitment to caring, connected, climate-ready communities that put people first.
