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Ford’s plan for Ontario Place betrays Ontarians

November 28, 2023

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement following the announcement that a new financial deal between the province and city of Toronto means Toronto will not stand in the way of Doug Ford’s plans for a privately owned spa complex at Ontario Place.

“Greens will not let this deal green-light the privatisation of Ontario Place.

We will continue to fight against Ford’s agenda to sell off public assets to serve a handful of well-connected insiders, and leave the people of Ontario to pay the price.

Ontario Place is public space and it must remain in public hands. It is a precious public asset, not a convenient place to dump a pay-to-play mega spa complex.

Ontario Greens repeat our call for the federal government to conduct a full environmental impact assessment of the Therme project before construction can begin on the West Island.

And we call for the cancellation of the 95 year lease for a pay-to-play mega spa on public land.

Greens will continue to fight to preserve the original vision for Ontario Place – to be an affordable public park for people of all ages, not a luxury spa with a few public walkways in its shadow.”
