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It’s Ontario Agriculture Week, but Doug Ford is still bulldozing his way across our province

October 5, 2023

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the Ford government’s ongoing attempts to pave over farmland through forced urban boundary expansions, MZOs and new highway builds.

“Ontario Agriculture Week is all about celebrating our province’s food and farming sector – the food it grows, the jobs it creates, the communities it strengthens and the economic engine it fuels.

But in Doug Ford’s Ontario, we’re still fighting to protect the farmland that feeds us from his neverending land grabs.

That’s because the Premier is still bulldozing his way across our province with more land grabs, more urban boundary expansions, MZOs and super-sprawl highways running through Greenbelt land.

All to line the pockets of the same well-connected insiders who were set to cash in on the Greenbelt giveaway.

And just like the Greenbelt, these land grabs have nothing to do with solving the housing crisis. Nothing to do with delivering the affordability solutions Ontarians desperately need.

They’re about rolling out the red carpet when the highest bidder comes calling.

The Premier has wasted years pretending that sprawling onto the Greenbelt was a housing solution. Now, it’s time to get busy building more homes for everyone in affordable, connected communities.”
