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Ontario Greens support calls for probe into wetland evaluation changes

October 2, 2023

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news that Hamilton city council is backing the Hamilton Conservation Authority’s call for an auditor general probe into provincial changes to wetland evaluation.

“Under Doug Ford, Ontario’s wetlands are under attack.

We need these wetlands to clean our drinking water, to act as carbon sinks, and to keep water out of our basements.

But instead of ramping up protections, this government is overhauling Ontario’s Wetland Evaluation System to ensure our wetlands have fewer protections.

They’re stripping power from conservation authorities and downloading costs onto municipalities already struggling to make ends meet.

Ontario Greens support Hamilton’s calls for an investigation into the Premier’s expensive super-sprawl campaign to pave over Ontario’s wetlands.

It’s time for this government to stop doing favours for deep-pocketed donors and start standing up for everyday Ontarians.”
