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Ford’s Conservatives still silent on 413 price tag

October 2, 2023

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding Minister of Transportation Prabmeet Sarkaria’s refusal to reveal the cost of the Ford government’s stalled Highway 413 scheme.

“While Ford’s Conservatives continue to stay silent on the true cost of Highway 413, Ontarians already know what’s at stake.

The 413 is an expensive sprawl super-charger that would cost Ontarians at least $8 to 10 billion, paving over 2,000 acres of prime farmland and 400 acres of the Greenbelt.

All to benefit the same well-connected elite insiders who were set to cash in on Doug Ford’s Greenbelt giveaway.

Just like the Greenbelt giveaway, the 413 land grab has nothing to do with moving Ontarians faster. Nothing to do with boosting quality of life or delivering solutions to the housing crisis.

It’s about jumping on the gravy train when wealthy, Ford-connected speculators come calling.

Ontario Greens have real solutions to build more homes in affordable, connected communities well-serviced by transit options that get you where you need to go.
We’ll keep pushing the Ford government to stop peddling snake oil and come up with a real plan that puts people before speculators.”
