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Climate mandate letters show a Premier stuck in the previous century

September 15, 2023

GUELPH — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement in response to the release of the 2018 ministerial mandate letters for the ministers of environment, energy and natural resources.

“This is a Premier who’s stuck in the previous century – who’s actively hostile to climate action.

The evidence is stamped all over these mandate letters.

The mandate letters are riddled with references to removing environmental protections, rolling back clean energy investments, and hampering economic growth in the name of political posturing.

If Doug Ford was paying any attention to current economic conditions, he would know that clean energy is the future – that’s why global investors are transitioning away from fossil fuels and pumping trillions of dollars into renewables every year.

Meanwhile, Ontario is stuck playing perpetual catch-up as this backwards-thinking government dumps more money into fossil fuels and paves over protected land to line Ford-connected developers’ pockets.

Ontarians deserve a Premier who cares about their future – who prioritizes clean growth over political games.

Ontario Greens will continue calling for the Ford government to stop funding fossil gas, rapidly invest in renewable energy and immediately restore all protections to the Greenbelt.”
