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Aislinn Clancy stands with education workers demanding better

August 28, 2023

KITCHENER — Ontario Greens candidate in the upcoming Kitchener Centre byelection, Aislinn Clancy, released the following statement in response to education minister Stephen Lecce’s announcement regarding updated curriculum for the 2023-24 school year.

“As an education worker and union member, it’s clear to me that the Ford government is out of touch with educators across Ontario.

Today, we saw this government make yet another announcement about ‘getting back to basics’ without any real commitment to tackling the issues at the root of the crisis in our education system.

Educators have been sounding the alarm about staffing and retention problems across the province – which come as a result of years of chronic underfunding and underspending in education by the Ford government.

Anyone who has spent time in schools knows we need more teachers, more EAs and smaller class sizes – not more red tape and standardized tests.

Ontario Greens stand with all four teachers’ unions fighting to make our schools better for students – ensuring our kids can access the services and supports they need to succeed in the classroom.

An investment in our children’s future is an investment worth making. But when it comes to delivering real change, this government is asleep at the wheel.”
