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Cecilia Stuart
Press Secretary

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“Pure coincidence” claim in Greenbelt land grab a slap in the face to the people of Ontario

August 25, 2023

GUELPH — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement in response to reports that a Ford-connected developer purchased property in Hamilton a month before Ontario announced its plan to remove it from the Greenbelt.

“After everything we learned in the Auditor General’s report, for Tacc Developments to claim it’s ‘pure coincidence’ that they purchased property slated to be removed from the Greenbelt mere weeks after the BILD dinner envelope drop is a slap in the face to the people of Ontario.

It’s time for everyone – speculators, members of the Ford government and their senior staff – to come clean.

Their stories just aren’t adding up – and Ontarians have had enough.

That’s why Ontario Greens are calling for a full, independent public inquiry into the Ford government’s Greenbelt giveaway.

Under the Premier’s watch, accountability and transparency have gone out the window in the name of favours to wealthy, well-connected elites.

Everyday Ontarians have been sidelined by a government that has repeatedly put donors and insiders before the public good.

Meanwhile, it’s still open season on the Greenbelt, and speculators are still making billions.

It’s time to bring this investigation into broad daylight – so we can finally restore trust and transparency to the people of Ontario.”
