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About Mike

Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario and MPP for Guelph, is the first Green MPP elected to the Ontario Legislature in 2018.

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Ontarians won’t forget Ford’s Greenbelt giveaway

August 14, 2023

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to Premier Ford’s attempts to steer public narrative away from the revelations contained in the Auditor General’s Greenbelt report.

“Premier Ford is desperate to gloss over the scathing Auditor General’s report exposing the corrupt process that led to a handful of elite land speculators making billions on Ford’s Greenbelt giveaways.

But Ontarians will not forget or forgive the explosive details dug up by the Auditor General just two days ago.

That PC staffers were passing envelopes at dinner parties and deleting emails to developers in an attempt to hide the truth.

Ontarians are outraged, and they’re not going to accept this government’s attempt to dodge accountability.

We know this isn’t a scandal that can be covered up with distraction tactics and press releases.

Because if this is how Ford and his ministers bungled the housing file, what does it say about their other privatization ploys – like their bids to sell off Ontario Place and privatize our public healthcare system to benefit wealthy elites?

Ontario Greens continue to call for the following measures to restore trust in government to the people of Ontario:

  • Pass legislation permanently restoring the Greenbelt in its entirety and bringing back conservation easements on DRAP lands;
  • Fire Minister Clark and his chief of staff;
  • Launch OPP and Integrity Commissioner investigations into Ford’s Greenbelt giveaways in light of the revelations contained in the Auditor General’s report; and
  • Implement real solutions to the housing crisis that put people first – starting with my bills to build more homes people can afford in communities they want to live in.”
