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ERs are closing, and Ford still refuses to invest in Ontario’s healthcare workers

July 21, 2023

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to reports that small-town hospitals in Ontario continue to close some emergency room departments due to staffing shortages.

“Once again, hospitals in small communities across the province are being forced to close their emergency rooms because they don’t have the staff to run them.

The Ford government knew this was an issue and has failed to respond appropriately.

People are now paying the price yet again for Ford’s mismanagement of the healthcare system and complete disrespect for nurses and frontline healthcare workers.

Our communities are feeling the effects of a government that has consistently underspent on healthcare and sold off public services to private profiteers.

It’s shameful and inexcusable. Ontarians shouldn’t have to worry about whether they’ll be able to access emergency care when and where they need it.

We need urgent action that starts with fair wages and better working conditions for exhausted healthcare workers.

If this government really cared about repairing our healthcare system, they would invest in the people who deliver care, starting with immediately dropping their appeal of Bill 124.”
