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About Mike

Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario and MPP for Guelph, is the first Green MPP elected to the Ontario Legislature in 2018.

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On World Water Day, keep water in our rivers
and lakes – not in our basements

March 22, 2023

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement to mark World Water Day.

“For five years now, the Ford government has shown Ontarians that their pro-sprawl agenda comes before the protection of the people and the places we love.

It’s no different when it comes to our province’s critically important watersheds, basins and river systems.

As provincial leaders, we have a responsibility to protect these resources for present and future generations.

That’s why last year, Ontario Greens tabled a motion calling on the government to double the size of the Greenbelt to include a protected Bluebelt that would permanently protect key moraines, rivers, lakes and wetlands including the Paris Galt Moraine, Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek, all the way up to the Lake Simcoe watershed and Georgian Bay.

And that’s why today, we’re continuing to hold the government to account for their abysmal track record on protecting our wetlands, Greenbelt, conservation areas and more.

Ontario has an opportunity: to build caring, connected, climate-ready communities with strong environmental protections that keep water in our rivers and lakes – not in our basements.

As the climate crisis worsens, we need to do everything possible to implement real, honest solutions that preserve our existing water resources and prepare us for the road ahead.”
