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Enough with the disinformation: time for Ford to come clean on his Greenbelt land deals

February 27, 2023

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement in response to a new report that there is more than enough land within urban boundaries in the Golden Horseshoe to build two million homes by 2031.

“It’s time for Doug Ford and his ministers to drop their fictitious Greenbelt talking points – housing crisis…need more land…rinse and repeat.

We do not need Greenbelt land for housing. Full stop.

This new report reinforces what we have already heard over and over from numerous experts and the government’s own hand-picked Housing Affordability Task Force: there is absolutely no need for Greenbelt land to build the homes Ontario needs.

This is yet another study that finds there is more than enough land within existing urban boundaries in the Golden Horseshoe to build two million homes – well above the 1.5 million the province needs to build by 2031.

Which leaves the burning question: what’s the real reason Doug Ford is so hell-bent on letting well-connected wealthy land speculators turn millions into billions while paving over precious farmland and wetlands?

And does the guest list for his daughter’s various wedding events provide any answers to this question?”
