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Steven Toth
Hamilton Centre Communications


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Premier Ford has a double standard on governmental jurisdiction.

January 27, 2023

HAMILTON — Ontario Greens Hamilton Centre candidate Lucia Iannantuono released the following in response to Doug Ford’s comment that the federal environment minister should respect Ontario’s jurisdiction over development on the Greenbelt.

Reacting to federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault’s statement that he has an obligation to
intervene if Doug Ford’s proposed Greenbelt development threatens at-risk species, Ford warned
Guilbeault to back off saying, “This is our jurisdiction.”

Iannantuono said, “We want the Ford government to respect Hamilton’s jurisdiction. They have ignored
City Council, the Conservation Authority, and the wishes of the people of Hamilton. And we are not
alone. Cities across the province are finding their local councils powerless to plan their own growth in
ways that respect existing boundaries and prevent sprawl. The Green Party of Ontario is committed to
freezing urban boundaries to create healthy, liveable, affordable communities and protect the places we
