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Ford must stop forcing his destructive sprawl agenda on the people of Ontario

January 12, 2023

Doug Ford’s destructive sprawl agenda is bulldozing over Ontarians’ best interests so a handful of land speculators can profit.

TORONTO — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement in response to Ford's comments today on the need to build housing for the future.

“Doug Ford’s destructive sprawl agenda is bulldozing over Ontarians’ best interests so a handful of land speculators can profit at our expense.

He continues to make planning and housing decisions that override expert advice and local opposition in the name of profits for speculators – once again using his oft-repeated line that sprawl is necessary to accommodate newcomers to the province despite overwhelming evidence that proves otherwise.

The government’s own housing affordability task force has made it clear that we can build the homes we need within existing urban boundaries—not on lands that perform vital environmental and agricultural functions. Ford has no sustainable vision for the growth of our province and is willing to run roughshod over environmental protections and affordable solutions as a result.

We need a Premier who will listen to young people looking for an affordable home in the communities that they want to live, while at the same time protecting our farmland and green spaces for future generations. Doug Ford clearly isn’t that Premier.”


Media contact:
John Chenery
