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Steven Toth
Hamilton Centre Communications


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Hamilton’s voice not being heard at Queen’s Park

January 10, 2023

HAMILTON — Hamilton Centre Ontario Green Party candidate, Lucia Iannantuono released the following statement on the pending legal action against the Ford government’s decision to expand Hamilton’s municipal boundaries.

“As the Green Party of Ontario’s candidate for Hamilton Centre I support the court action by
Environmental Defence and EcoJustice seeking a judicial review of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing’s changes to Hamilton’s Official Plan.

“This court action would not have been necessary if Doug Ford listened to its own Housing Affordability
Task Force which recommended against expansion into the Greenbelt. Had he not broken his promise to
protect the Greenbelt, had Neil Lumsden and Donna Skelly spoken up on behalf of Hamiltonians, this
court action might well have been avoided.

“Hamiltonians and our City Council have made it clear: we do not want to expand our urban boundary.
We are willing and able to work with all levels of government to find the best housing solutions for all
within our existing boundary. Hamilton’s voice has not been heard at Queen’s Park, but I will continue to
speak up and amplify the message from our community: no urban boundary expansion.”
