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Cecilia Stuart

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Doug Ford’s sprawl agenda is wrong and should be challenged

January 10, 2023

A government prepared to sacrifice the public interest for the benefit of a few wealthy individuals must be held to account.

GUELPH — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement on the pending legal action against the Ford government over its decision to expand Hamilton's municipal boundaries.

“Doug Ford is happy to ignore everything and everyone in his reckless haste to open up farms and green spaces across the GTHA to expensive sprawl development.

Hamilton City Council doesn’t want its boundaries expanded. The city’s residents have turned out in force to oppose the changes. Most of the submissions to a public consultation on the issue opposed the move.

And according to this new lawsuit, the government may have ignored its own planning laws in pushing through the Hamilton boundary expansion.

What we have seen so far in the second term of this government is truly disturbing.

They ride roughshod over municipal government, ignore the results of consultations, and reject the recommendations of experts – even those they appointed.

Since Ford doesn’t seem to care about the voices of people, legal action seems to be the only thing that might stop this government from bulldozing ahead with their destructive agenda.

I will continue to join the thousands of people across Ontario raising their voices to oppose the Ford government’s plan to hand over our Greenbelt to a few PC-friendly land speculators.

A government that is prepared to sacrifice the public interest for the benefit of a few wealthy individuals must be held to account.”


Media contact:
John Chenery
