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It’s time for Ford to be honest about how harmful Bill 124 is and drop the appeal

January 9, 2023

Ford must be held accountable for crisis in Ontario's healthcare system.

TORONTO — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement in response to a report that the Ford government's internal briefing documents confirm that Bill 124 has contributed to the staffing crisis in Ontario's healthcare system.

“The fact that Ford knew Bill 124 was contributing to the crisis in our healthcare system, refused to repeal it and is now doubling down on it is a blatant dereliction of his duty as Premier to protect the health of the people of this province. He must be held accountable.

It’s long past time for Doug Ford and Health Minister Jones to be honest with people about the harm Bill 124 continues to cause to Ontario’s healthcare system.

Instead they continue to insist that everything is under control as they waste taxpayer money appealing a Superior Court ruling striking down the wage suppression legislation as unconstitutional.

Bill 124 undervalues and disrespects nurses and other healthcare workers. The consequences are there for all to see: a healthcare system in crisis.

Ford’s reckless determination to defend this unjust and unconstitutional legislation is shameful – and another slap in the face of the people who have sacrificed so much for us during the pandemic.

It’s time to end this petty campaign against the people who care for us.

Once again I call on Doug Ford to stop wasting taxpayers’ money, drop the Bill 124 appeal and act immediately to ensure that frontline workers have the wages, benefits and working conditions they deserve.”


Media contact:
John Chenery
