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Ontario is saying NO to Ford’s destructive Greenbelt Plans

December 19, 2022

Over a hundred people showed up to give Doug Ford a Christmas present of over 6,000 signed petitions from across Ontario.

QUEENS PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement after hosting a rally at Queen's Park and delivering thousands of petition signatures to Doug Ford's office.

Over a hundred people showed up for a last minute lunchtime rally with Mike Schreiner at Queen’s Park to deliver a Christmas present of over 6,000 signed petitions from ridings across Ontario.

“We’ve wrapped up a nice Christmas present for Doug Ford that I’m going to deliver to him today,” Schreiner told the crowd.

On November 26, 250 people in 30 communities across Ontario collected over 4,500 signatures in just two hours from their neighbours and inspired thousands more to sign an online petition telling Doug Ford to keep his promise and keep his hands off the Greenbelt as part of a province-wide day of action.

“The Premier and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing have been documented at least 20 times saying that they wouldn’t touch the Greenbelt. So why is the Premier now touching the Greenbelt?

Let me be clear – a handful of speculators who happen to donate to the Ford government are going to turn millions into billions and we are going to pay the price.”

Schreiner has lodged an Integrity Commissioner complaint asking for an investigation into whether Ford or Minister Steve Clark breached conflict of interest provisions or shared insider information in contravention of the Members Integrity Act.

Also in attendance was former GPO candidate and legal scholar Patrick Macklem, who has filed a complaint with the Ontario Provincial Police alleging a breach of trust by a public official under the Criminal Code.

Both complaints are currently in the early stages of review.


Media contact:
Cecilia Stuart
