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Ford’s assault on the Greenbelt worsens behind closed doors

December 15, 2022

Our Greenbelt is dying by a thousand cuts all while wealthy donors and land speculators stand to make billions.

TORONTO — Ontario Greens leader and Guelph MPP Mike Schreiner released the following statement about leaked government documents that show plans to double the size of the Bradford Bypass in the Greenbelt:

“Just when we thought that Doug Ford’s vicious assault on the Greenbelt couldn’t get any worse, we learn that he is planning on doubling the size of the Bradford Bypass, thus doubling the area of Greenbelt land that will be destroyed and doubling the threat to Lake Simcoe by his reckless, expensive sprawl agenda.

As an obvious extension of Ford’s plan to hand our Greenbelt over to land speculators, the PCs have deceitfully concealed their true agenda to build an eight lane highway through the Holland Marsh from taxpayers, voters, the Federal Government, the AG – frankly from all of us.

Our Greenbelt is dying by a thousand cuts all while wealthy donors and land speculators stand to make billions.

Adding insult to injury, this report shows that the Bradford Bypass will be congested within its first year of operation – further confirming expert opinion that building highways do nothing to actually address the root cause of traffic congestion.

I’m calling on Doug Ford to stop his assault on the environment, our Greenbelt and Lake Simcoe. I’m calling on him to cancel expensive, destructive Greenbelt highways.

Climate-fueled extreme weather is a threat to our lives, livelihoods, homes and communities. Ford’s financially and environmentally destructive plans to build the Holland Marsh Highway will only increase the costs and risks we face.”


Media contact:
John Chenery
