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Ford government ignores important voices before passing environmentally destructive Bill 23

November 28, 2022

Ford government passed Bill 23 today, giving itself a standing ovation for paving the Greenbelt, raising property taxes and dismantling environmental protections.

TORONTO — Ontario Greens leader and Guelph MPP, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement after the passage of Bill 23:

“Today, we heard one more time from poverty activists, municipal voices and healthcare workers whose voices have been ignored and excluded by the government in its decision to ram Bill 23 through the Legislature without proper consultation.

On top of that, Indigenous groups say that the Ford government has willfully disregarded its duty to consult them on this bill. The government’s disregard for proper Indigenous consultation is a complete neglect of reconciliation.

Yet, the government forged ahead and passed Bill 23 today, giving itself a standing ovation for paving the Greenbelt, raising property taxes and dismantling environmental protections.

Bill 23 makes way for land speculators to privately profit from the public value of protected land.

What seems clear is the government’s decision to rush Bill 23 through Committee and avoid as much backlash as possible was because this bill was drafted for land speculators to cash in, while people pay the price.

Pushing this destructive piece of legislation through, despite widespread public opposition, and without meaningful consultation from the public, including Indigenous groups, is a dereliction of duty and inexcusable.

I call on the Premier to repeal Bill 23, halt their destructive pro-sprawl agenda and plans to pave over the Greenbelt and to implement real solutions to the housing crisis.” 


Media contact:
Mehreen Shahid
Press Secretary
