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Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario and MPP for Guelph, is the first Green MPP elected to the Ontario Legislature in 2018.

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A failing grade on supply, affordability and environmental protection – Mike Schreiner voting no on government housing bill and sends open letter to Clark

November 1, 2022

TORONTO — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, said today that he will vote against Bill 23 More Homes Built Faster Act.

“We need housing solutions that match the level of the crisis,” he said. “This bill does not meet that moment. We must do more to ensure that everyone has a safe and affordable place to call home.”

In an open letter to Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Steve Clark, Schreiner says that he welcomes action by the government to address the housing crisis and is ready to work across party lines on the housing crisis. 

Bill 23, however, is “underwhelming on supply, missing in action on affordability and dangerous to our environment.”

“We must abandon the false choice between tall and sprawl by allowing construction of fourplexes and walk-up apartments in neighbourhoods, and mid-rise housing along arterial roads and transit corridors,” Schriener wrote.

“Beyond that, the Bill’s exclusive focus on market solutions is far too restrictive and virtually guarantees that the goal of affordable housing for all will not be met. Greens support market solutions, but we also know that non-market intervention is going to be vital.”

“Finally and crucially, many of the proposals in the Bill are based on another false choice – between providing housing and protecting the environment.”

“I was appalled to see that Bill 23 continues your government’s systematic attacks on environmental protections by further reducing the role of Conservation Authorities. This will put lives and property in jeopardy and has no place in the legislation.”



Media contact:
John Chenery

