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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford’s chaotic energy policies and expensive SMRs will increase electricity bills

October 25, 2022


QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement responding to the announcement that Ontario Power Generation plans to build a new small modular reactor at the Darlington Nuclear Station.

“People will pay the price in higher electricity bills for Doug Ford’s decision to reject low cost renewable energy in favour of high cost SMRs.

Ford’s decision to cancel 750 renewable energy projects and efficiency programs that help people save money by saving energy has caused the looming energy crunch.

Instead of learning from his mistakes, Ford continues to reject affordable clean energy options, most recently low-cost water power from Quebec.

While the rest of the world invests heavily in cheap renewables like wind and solar, the Ford government decides to shore up Ontario’s precarious energy supply with expensive SMRs and fossil gas generation.

Ford’s short-sighted agenda and the resulting mismanagement of Ontario’s electricity system is hurting consumers, the economy and the climate.

I repeat my call for the government to immediately roll out low-cost renewables and ambitious efficiency programs to help people and businesses save money by saving energy.”
