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Schreiner calls on government to stop bulldozing farmlands in favour of highways
October 16, 2022

TORONTO — Ontario Greens Leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, was in Caledon leading a Day of Action on Sunday with local municipal candidates, hearing from local residents who are demanding that Ford cancel Highway 413.
“Ontario needs farmland, not freeways. People want better healthcare and affordable housing, not another highway,” said Schreiner.
“Yet, Doug Ford is determined to spend billions on Highway 413 when our underfunded healthcare system is on the brink of collapse.
This highway is not about relieving gridlock, it’s not about helping commuters or the people who live here. It’s about helping a few land speculators turn millions into billions.”
Dozens of people and local municipal candidates who are committed to prioritizing farmland over freeways participated in Sunday’s Day of Action, organized by the Ontario Greens. People passionate about preserving the Greenbelt showed up to take part in the rally and to collect signatures for a petition against the highway.
“Despite what Doug Ford may say, the movement against this highway is not being led by downtown elites. There are locals, right here in Caledon, that oppose this highway and are demanding that it be cancelled,” said Schreiner. “This highway will be a fiscal and environmental disaster – and experts say it will have virtually no effect on congestion and commute times.”
“Residents have told us their priorities,” said Schreiner, “healthcare, education, and food security. We will represent these voices at Queen’s Park and tell the government to put people first by scrapping Highway 413.”
Ontario Greens call on the government to:
- Cancel Highway 413 and the Bradford Bypass
- Create a dedicated truck lane on the 407 which will save money, help truckers right now and keep the flow of goods moving
- Prohibit new highways through the Greenbelt by amending the Greenbelt Act
- Double the size of the Greenbelt with a Bluebelt of protected waterways