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Ford government is failing families facing long waits for their children’s surgery
October 11, 2022

GUELPH — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement in response to today's media report that thousands of children are waiting for surgery longer than the safe clinical window, putting their long-term health at risk.
“The crisis in children’s surgical care is just the latest heartwrenching example of this government’s mismanagement of Ontario’s healthcare system.
If it’s not enough that hospital ERs are closing across the province, now children are left waiting in pain and at risk of long-term health impacts because their surgeries are being delayed far too long.
Meanwhile, Ford sits on a $2.1 billion budget surplus and gives away billions in election gimmicks like, the vehicle licence refund.
People want healthcare, not handouts. They want solutions, not a surplus from starving the healthcare system.
Staff shortages caused by traumatic working conditions during the pandemic and low wages have only compounded the problems caused by the government’s failure to repeal Bill 124, and adequately fund hospitals and community care.
If we want to live in a province where people’s health and well-being are priorities, then Ford needs to step up and properly invest in healthcare.
Showing frontline healthcare workers some respect by repealing Bill 124 is an important first step.”