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Cecilia Stuart

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Budget surplus slap in the face to nurses and frontline healthcare workers

September 23, 2022

Ontario Greens leader Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the release of figures showing that the Ford government has a $2.1 billion surplus.

TORONTO — Ontario Greens leader Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the release of figures showing that the Ford government has a $2.1 billion surplus, is increasing the “catchup” payments to parents from $225 million to $365 million and yet still refusing to scrap Bill 124.

“The government touting a $2.1 billion surplus at a time when our healthcare system is in crisis, Bill 124 caps wages and some education workers make $30,000 a year, is a slap in the face to people working hard to care for our loved ones..

The increased payout to parents will do nothing to help Ontario students learn in a stable, safe classroom environment this year and is designed to distract attention from the government’s record of funding cuts and failing contract negotiations with education workers. It is a transparent bid to pit teachers against parents.

How the government can be proud of a $2.1 billion surplus when ERs are closing amid staffing shortages is beyond me.

I call on the government to immediately repeal Bill 124 and invest money where it is needed most – in our schools, in our hospitals, and in the people who work in them.”
