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Punishing elders for the Ford’s Government’s failure to manage the healthcare system is wrong

September 14, 2022

TORONTO — Ontario Greens leader and Guelph MPP, Mike Schreiner, made the following statement today in response to the release of the Ford government's regulations on the new long-term care legislation allowing seniors waiting for a long-term care bed to be moved from hospital to a home that is not in their community.

“Elders should not be forced to pay the price for the Ford government’s lack of investment in the healthcare system. 

It is wrong to force elders to pay $12,000 per month if they refuse to go to an LTC home not of their choosing and far from family.

It is shameful to gaslight seniors and lead them to believe that the crisis in our hospitals is their fault.

And moving them away from their loved ones and caregivers is actually going to worsen the staffing crisis by putting extra pressure on our already overworked PSWs and LTC staff.  Without question, this is going to put elders at risk. 

If the government really wanted to address the healthcare crisis, and allow people to age with dignity they would: 

  • Make investments in home care which would allow people to receive care and age at home
  • Address the staffing crisis with the first step being repealing Bill 124
  • Investing in not-for-profit Long Term Care homes all across the province. 

Instead of spending millions of dollars defending indefensible legislation like Bill 124, and funnelling our elders into LTC homes they don’t want to live in, this government should be making immediate and substantial investments into our home care and healthcare systems. This starts by investing in the people who provide that care.” 


Media contact:
John Chenery
