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New electricity plan is an expensive climate disaster, says Schreiner

August 23, 2022

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner today released the following statement in response to the latest procurement report from the province's Independent Energy System Operator showing that 90 per cent of new generating capacity will come from liquid natural gas.

“The IESO procurement plan is a disaster for people’s pocketbooks and for climate action.

We’re at a now-or-never moment to address the climate crisis and the government is failing repeatedly to meet that moment.

It makes no sense for the government to ramp up gas plants when Ontario is facing a climate emergency and there are lower cost, cleaner alternatives.

Adding new gas-fired generation will increase climate pollution at a time when the International Energy Association has made it clear that we cannot increase fossil fuel use if we have any chance of meeting our climate obligations.

Increasing fossil gas generation will also increase electricity costs for people because the government is refusing to invest in lower cost renewable energy generation.

If the government was serious about lowering costs for people and acting on climate, they would reverse their cuts to energy efficiency programs and invest in low cost renewables.”


Media contact:
John Chenery
