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Ford government must come clean on its plans for relocating seniors to long-term care homes

August 22, 2022

TORONTO — Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner today released the following statement on the government's new legislation on long-term care.

“Across Ontario, seniors are terrified about being shipped off to a long-term care home far from their families, friends and support networks.

Their fears are not unreasonable given the mixed messages coming out of the Ford government.

Long Term Care Minister Paul Calandra says there will be no forcible removals.

If that’s the case, then why is the legislation even necessary?

And why does the legislation allow a ‘placement coordinator’ to choose and authorise admission to a home after ‘reasonable efforts to obtain consent.’

That sounds a lot like forced consent and, as such, not only violates the rights of seniors but also shows a callous disregard for their emotional wellbeing.

Forcing seniors into LTC homes far from family will not solve the current crisis in the healthcare system.

Emergency departments are closing because of a lack of staff who feel disrespected and unappreciated by the wage and benefit caps imposed by Bill 124.

I repeat my call on the government to move immediately to repeal Bill 124.”

Media contact:
John Chenery
