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“Strong mayors” legislation is an attack on local democracy – NOT an affordable housing strategy
August 10, 2022

TORONTO — Ontario Greens leader and Guelph MPP, Mike Schreiner, made the following statement in response to the tabling of the Ford government's “Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act”:
“Doug Ford’s second term as Premier begins the same way as the first – with yet another attack on local democracy and the people of Toronto and Ottawa.
This time it comes disguised as a strategy to solve the province’s housing crisis.
The Premier claims that his government’s “strong mayors” legislation will let municipal leaders get housing built more quickly.
But the provincial government already has many tools at its disposal to increase housing supply in cities without increasing sprawl – and without concentrating power at the top of municipal government.
They include several recommendations made by its own Housing Affordability Task Force. For example, ending exclusionary zoning and investing in affordable supply.
Ford did not campaign on this change.
A change that continues a dangerous trend to concentrate power in the Prime Minister’s Office, the Premier’s Office, and now the mayor’s office.
A diversity of viewpoints is what makes democratic governments representative of the people they serve.
Attacking local democracy is not a solution to Ontario’s housing crisis.”