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Calls for Ford to double social assistance rates continue to grow

July 25, 2022

Ontario Greens Leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner issued the following statement in support of over 200 advocacy groups calling for the doubling of social assistance rates:

GUELPH — Ontario Greens Leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner issued the following statement in support of over 200 advocacy groups calling for the doubling of social assistance rates:

Please see the open letter Mike Schreiner sent to the Premier last month requesting the doubling of Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates

GUELPH– Ontario Greens Leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner issued the following statement in support of over 200 advocacy groups calling for the doubling of social assistance rates:

“It is shameful that people with disabilities are forced to live in legislated poverty.

Social assistance rates have failed to meet people’s basic needs for decades. Now, with skyrocketing inflation and dramatically rising costs of living, the situation has become even more urgent.

Today, more than 200 advocacy groups issued a letter to Premier Ford calling for the immediate doubling of social assistance rates and tying future increases to inflation. The calls have never been louder.

And I’m proud to say that the Ontario Greens were the only party to make this a key commitment in our last election platform.

The 5% ODSP increase the Premier promised last month as a campaign gimmick is wholly insufficient to address the challenges people on social assistance face. The Premier needs to take this opportunity to change course and improve life for thousands of Ontarians.

I am urging the Premier to listen to advocates and immediately double social assistance rates and tie all future increases to inflation. It would be shameful if he does not provide immediate and meaningful support to those most in need.”
